Call for Dossier – Interfaces between Linguistics and Computing
In recent years, large language models, such as ChatGPT, have sparked intense debates about the impact of digital technologies on human life. Within the field of language studies, these discussions address both potential risks, such as plagiarism, and benefits, such as support for data analysis and the development of tools that assist linguistic research. Although these debates are highly topical, the interface between linguistics and computation is not new. For decades, branches of linguistics have utilized computational tools to investigate linguistic data and address issues related to reading, writing, and teaching. These intersections have established themselves as a promising and interdisciplinary research field. In this context, the journal invites researchers to explore these intersections, focusing on topics such as the role of computation in data analysis, the use of digital tools for reading and writing, and the impact of digital technologies on education. Submit your work and contribute to strengthening this vital dialogue!
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