Literacy and making meaning of layout in the multimodality


  • Francis Arthuso Paiva UFMG



ABSTRACT: This study starts from the observation and in the question carried out by Bezemer and Kress (2016a),  i. verbal texts are no longer organized by paragraph, but by image blocks in some textbooks analyzed by them; and ii. does the cohesion between the elements of a design through visual cohesion with the frames make a difference in what and how students learn? They seem to be conducive to being made also on the online platform of graphics designs. First, I focused on observation of Bezemer and Kress (2016a). I present examples of designs that use the frame to create visual  blocks of verbal information. Then I discuss how template users can deal with semiotic resources for transmuting the verbal mode into visual mode. I do that by social semiotics perspective of the of Hodge and Kress (1988) and in the multimodal discourse of Kress and van Leeuwen (2001). In a second step, I turn to the questioning by Bezemer and Kress (2016a) about the influences of visual cohesion in the reading designs. I propose two objects of analysis based on this discussion: reading paths and visual cohesion. Finally, I analyze these objects as resources used in two different designs: whitepaper and infographics, both with templates available on the platforms., I use van Leeuwen (2005), Kress and van Leeuwen (2006) and Paiva (2009) in the analysis. I do that with the intention of promoting the critical literacy necessary for lay users to create well-intentioned designs in online platforms.

Author Biography

Francis Arthuso Paiva, UFMG

É Doutor em Linguística Aplicada pela Faculdade de Letras da UFMG, por onde concluiu o Mestrado em Estudos Linguísticos, além de ser especialista em Leitura e Produção de Textos pela PUC-MINAS. É professor e Chefe do setor de Letras do Colégio Técnico da UFMG e professor/sub-coordenador do Mestrado Profissional da Faculdade de Letras da UFMG. Interessa-se por estudos de leitura e letramento digital, sobretudo de textos multimodais; e produção textual, principalmente escrita colaborativa em ambientes digitais.


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