Intercultural education, resistance literacies and teacher training


  • Juliana Harumi Chinatti Yamanaka Instituto Federal de Brasília



Intercultural education, Literacy, Teacher training


In the context of the deepening of exclusions imposed by the crisis of capital, we seek for alternatives for promoting different identities, recognizing differences, as well as building fairer and more solidary educational practices (FLEURI, 2007). To address these issues, I present the book Intercultural Education, Resistance Literacy and Teacher Training. It is a collection composed of 13 articles by educators-researchers who focus on experiences on the classroom floor, whether in primary or higher education.


COSTA, R. D. C.; SANTOS, E. C.; SILVA, K. A. Educação intercultural, letramentos de resistência e formação docente. Campinas: Editora da ABRALIN, 2021.

FLEURI, R. M. Desafios à Educação Intercultural no Brasil. PerCursos, v. 2, p. 1–14, 2007.

YAMANAKA, J. H. C. Resenha. RESENDE, Viviane de Melo. (Org.). Decolonizar os estudos críticos do discurso. Campinas, SP: Pontes Editores, 2019. 202p. ISBN - 978-852170-184-2. Discurso & Sociedad, v. 15, p. 528–535, 2021.

