Physical education in childhood education: between suspicious and autism diagnosis




This text sheds light on the evaluative and pedagogical practices that have been developed at Child Education Center Municipal Constelação and how Physical Education has helped children with Autism, and with Autism spectrum disorders hypothesis. The objective is to present this tension between suspicion and diagnosis, dialogues with families and referrals that occurred in 2017 and how Physical Education has contributed to overcoming the limitations imposed by autism, but also, valuing the potential of each subject. Families that accepted the instructions to investigate the behavior of their sons / daughters, and welcomed the suspicions raised by teachers and professionals involved in the education of the children, reported a significant improvement in overcoming barriers imposed by the disorder. Pedagogical interventions, even in the absence of an early diagnosis, collaborated to expand children's capacities and reduce the impacts of Autism spectrum disorders on communicative, social and behavioral dimensions.

Author Biography

Alexandre Freitas Marchiori, PMV-Prefeitura Municipal de Vitória

Mestre em Educação, Professor de Educação Física na Educação Infantil no município de Vitória. Doutorando em Educação Física PPGEF/UFES.


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