Fields of experience or field of the experience?




The theme of this article is the fields of experience, which, since 1991, and also in the "National indications...", argue, in an original way, about the offering of knowledge from the Italian early childhood school. It intends to show how the “Indications” are the provisional result of a long and potent tendency to didacticize the early childhood school, shaping it to the evaluative logics of the school that follows. The fields of experience, with their 30 years of life and their centrality, register, in an exemplary fashion, the realization of this trend, legible in later versions, mainly operational, that have been received little by little in ministerial texts, until they have reached the " Indications" in effect. The linguistic provocation of the title refers to the twist to which the concept of fields of experience is submitted, the aporias to which it leads, and finally, to a different and possible way to think about it and use it. The article ends, as a post-scriptum that has become urgent due to the circumstances, with some preliminary considerations about how the COVID-19, shutting down the schools as a physical place, along with its unveiling character, problematically obliges everyone to rethink their own options.

Author Biography

Danilo Russo, Scuola dell'infanzia - Prefeitura de Roma

Professor de pré-escola pública na cidade de Roma


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