Dream traces: a picture book reading Celestine's birth by Gabrielle Vincent





Parkinson disease, Hand strength, Functional laterality


This article aims to taking a read of the book Celestine’s birth (2014), by Belgian writer and illustrator Gabrielle Vincent. The picture book in question brings images that tell the story, having the presence of few sentences representative of Ernest Bear's dialogues and writing in your diary, which creates a magnification relationship between text and image, in addition to providing the reader an aesthetic experience that broadens perceptions through openings and movements in the traces. The illustrations present in the book are similar to sketches, as drawings yet to receive the final finishes, thatis, are different from realistic representations, oreven the ready-made and colourful drawings so common in children's books, and yet they are also beyond the sketch, presenting itself as an aesthetic proposal. Theoretical postulations of children's literature and illustration scholars as Peter Hunt (2010), Sophie Van der Linden (2011), Maria Nikolajeva e Carole Scott (2011), and others, Will be evoked for reflection of the  relationship between words and images brought in the book.

Author Biography

Gabriela Regina Soncini, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Doutoranda em Estudos Literários na Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, desenvolvendo uma pesquisa sobre as imagens florais, transformações vegetais e metamorfoses em flores na mitologia, nos contos de fadas, e na obra do escritor dinamarquês de contos maravilhosos Hans Christian Andersen. Desenvolve estudos sobre as figuras míticas e maravilhosas, como fadas, elfos, sereias, gigantes, e demais criaturas do imaginário. Mestre em Estudos Literários (2020) pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, tendo desenvolvido no mestrado o estudo da figura da fada na mitologia céltica, nos contos maravilhosos e na literatura infantil. Possui graduação em Pedagogia (2015) pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, tendo desenvolvido na graduação pesquisas sobre os espaços da fantasia dentro da literatura infantil, como possibilidades de projetos para o ensino de geografia.


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