The Children's Games: The Role of Teacher in its Constitution


  • Graziela Pereira da Conceição Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Luciana Maria Costa Machado Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



This report is fruit of observations, registrations and of direct actions with the children and has as objective socializes some of our experiences and reflections as a trainee of the course of Pedagogy, semester 2006/01 of the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Our training was accomplished with the group 3B, in the period vespertino, constituted by 9 children, of the 1 year-old age group and 7 months to 2 years and 7 months, being 3 boys and 6 girls. The training had in the participant observation a road for the approach to the infantile universes, with the intention of contemplating about the organization of the daily of the children, as they link, as it works and what does in those spaces offered to them. Through written registrations and photographic we tried to build a sensitive and attentive glance to the several manners of being, of acting and of living the children's childhood inside of the institution of infantile education. These registrations allowed to know us the children's group and they orientated our roads for propositions that guaranteed the children's rights, your needs, interests, desires and wills.

Author Biography

Graziela Pereira da Conceição, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Pedagoga, ex-bolsista estagiária de monitoria no Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas da Educação na Pequena Infância, professora de Educação Infantil no Núcleo de Desenvolvimento Infantil da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.

