Analysis of processes knowlodge management in a commercial department of a telecommunication’s company in Santa Catarina


  • Liana Souza da Rosa
  • Marcos Baptista Lopes Dalmau UFSC
  • Alessandra de Linhares Jacobsen UFSC



The main objective of this paper is analyze the processes of knowledge management application in the commercial department of telecommunications company in the sector of Santa Catarina. Starting from this perspective, it had study the theories related to the processes of knowledge management, as it pertains to generation, sharing, storage and mapping of knowledge. Concerning to a methodology, it has developed a quantitative study, qualitative, descriptive and case study. The primary data were obtained through of questionnaires applied to employees of the commercial department and semi-structured interviews conducted with commercial director, manager, coordinator and Supervisory and the data side through bibliographic survey. It was identified that the processes of generating knowledge is different in each sector of the department, the processes of these stocks are not fully effective because not all knowledge is registered by employees. The sharing of knowledge is achieved by holding meetings, emails and informative, but not all knowledge is shared between employees of the same group and with other employees of the company. While it is important to emphasize that there is no formal mapping of knowledge and skills of individuals, their tasks and responsibilities.



How to Cite

da Rosa, L. S., Dalmau, M. B. L., & Jacobsen, A. de L. (2009). Analysis of processes knowlodge management in a commercial department of a telecommunication’s company in Santa Catarina. Journal of Administration Science, 11(23), 11–37.