Environmental regulations and competitiveness: a comparative study between Brazil and France


  • Jaluza Maria Lima Silva Borsatto Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU)
  • Camila Lima Bazani Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU)




This study aimed to verify if there is any kind of association between the rigor of environmental regulations and the competitiveness of the countries Brazil and France, between 2005 and 2015, based on the results of the environmental policy stringency indicators (Environmental Policy Stringency Index, OECD) and competitiveness (Global Competitiveness Index, WEF). In addition, we sought to analyze the evolution of the rigor of environmental regulations and competitiveness. It is a qualitative and quantitative research, descriptively analyzing the variables under study and using Pearson's linear correlation statistical test. The results showed that France presented greater rigor in its environmental policies than Brazil and demonstrated a greater degree of competitiveness. In addition, environmental regulations in Brazil were negatively correlated with only three pillars of competitiveness, while France showed a correlation with eight pillars of competitiveness. The work contributes to the literature demonstrating the importance of strict environmental regulations for improving the performance of green industrial production.

Author Biographies

Jaluza Maria Lima Silva Borsatto, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU)

Doutora em Administração pela Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo (FEA-RP/USP). Docente na Faculdade de Gestão e Negócios (FAGEN) da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU).

Camila Lima Bazani, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU)

Mestre em Ciências Contábeis, Linha de Pesquisa Controladoria, pela Faculdade de Ciências Contábeis (FACIC) da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU). Técnica Administrativa em Educação na Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU). 


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How to Cite

Borsatto, J. M. L. S., & Bazani, C. L. (2021). Environmental regulations and competitiveness: a comparative study between Brazil and France. Journal of Administration Science, 23(60), 41–52. https://doi.org/10.5007/2175-8077.2021.e61944