Using Design Experiments to Conduct Research on Mathematics Professional Development


  • Paola Sztajn North Carolina State University
  • Holt Wilson The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
  • Cyndi Edgington North Carolina State University
  • Marrielle Myers North Carolina State University
  • Lara Dick Meredith College


In this paper, we propose that the emerging transformation of mathematics professional development from a practice-based to a research field would benefit from stronger connections to research on learning. In particular, we contend that design experiments represent a premier emerging methodology to study learning, and we argue that a better understanding of teacher learning through the use of design experiments in mathematics professional development can lead to improvement of mathematics professional development as both an area of practice and a field of research.


Paola Sztajn, North Carolina State University

Is a professor of Mathematics Education at North Carolina State University, and she currently serves as Interim Head for the Department of Elementary Education. She teaches mathematics methods courses for prospective and practicing teachers. Her research program focuses on practicing elementary teachers mathematics professional development. She is the principal investigator in several grants from the National Science Foundation that investigate a variety of aspects of the professional development of elementary mathematics teachers. 

Holt Wilson, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro where he teaches mathematics education courses for prospective teachers, practicing teachers, and doctoral students. His research interests focus on teacher learning of student mathematical thinking and student-centered approaches to mathematicsinstruction. He received a Ph.D. in Mathematics Education from North Carolina State University. Prior to pursuing graduate work, he taught secondary mathematics in North Carolina. 

Cyndi Edgington, North Carolina State University

Is a research associate on the Learning Trajectories Based Instruction project. Her interests include teacher preparation and professional development focused on teacher learning of students' mathematical thinking. She received her PhD from North Carolina State University. 

Marrielle Myers, North Carolina State University

Teaching and research interests focus on teacher education in mathematics education. Her research interests include equity in mathematics education, learning trajectories, and teacher learning in professional development settings. Marrielle received her M.Ed. in Mathematics Education and is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Mathematics Education from North Carolina State University. Her previous professional experiences include tutoring and teaching mathematics in high-needs middle and high schools. 

Lara Dick, Meredith College

Is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Meredith College in Raleigh, North Carolina where she teaches mathematics and mathematics education courses for prospective teachers. Her research interests focus on elementary pre-service and in-service teacher specialized content knowledge. She is a Ph.D. candidate in MathematicsEducation from North Carolina State University. Prior to pursuing graduate work, she taught secondary mathematics in North Carolina.