The SOS Card - Listening towards consent

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Sara Letícia Bessa
Camila Rosa Santos Souza


:  The 1970s were marked by social movements and citizenship in different countries around the world and many advances were made in public health policies, especially in mental health and fighting for human rights. Aligned with this context, emerges in the United States, the recovery approach that advances and recognizes the right of people in psychological distress, although severe, of full participation in society, noting that these people can significantly improve their symptoms, resuming their personal and social activities, and recovering from illness. This article presents an account of two implantation experiences of the personal action plan and crisis card/SOS tool as a recovery instrument already used in several countries with great success. It is a lived experience in a coexistence center in mental health, alcohol and other drugs and the other in a team of therapeutic companions, both in Brasília-DF. Through these experiences was possible to identify that the action plan and crisis card/SOS is a very powerful tool and its implantation in the context of the Brazilian psychosocial care network can bring great benefits, given that it is a tool focused on the resumption of autonomy, citizenship and empowerment, guaranteeing rights and corroborating with the recovery approach. It was also noted that is a provocative tool for even broader transformations in hierarchical and institutional logics that cross services and ways to promote mental health in our country

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How to Cite
BESSA, Sara Letícia; ROSA SANTOS SOUZA, Camila. The SOS Card - Listening towards consent. Brazilian Journal of Mental Health, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 36, p. 143–155, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 nov. 2024.
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