<b>Imagology. The cultural construction and literary representation of national characters. A critical survey</b><br>


  • Celeste Henrique Marquês Ribeiro de Sousa USP



Biografia do Autor

Celeste Henrique Marquês Ribeiro de Sousa, USP

"Celeste H. M. Ribeiro de Sousa holds an M.A. (1979) and a Ph.D. in German Literature from the University of São Paulo (1988). She conducted her Post-Doctoral research on Literary Theory and Comparative Literature at the University of São Paulo and at the University of Cologne, in Germany. She is the founder and coordinator of the research group RELLIBRA (Linguistic and Literary Relations Brazil-Germany). She was awarded with four DAAD fellowships to carry out research in Köln, Berlin, Bielefeld, and Marbach. She teaches at the Graduate Course of German Language and Literature at the University of São Paulo. She is the author of Retratos do Brasil: heteroimagens literárias alemãs (1996), Do cá e do lá: introdução à imagologia (2004), the editor of Poéticas da violência. Da bomba atômica ao 11 de setembro (2008), O sósia: Problemas de teatro Friedrich Dürrenmatt (2007). She has published articles on German Literature and on Comparative Literature in Brazilian and international journals. "





