<b>Can metalinguistic awareness explain a connection between L1 literacy and L2 proficiency level in literate adults?</b><br>


  • Donesca Xhafaj UFSC
  • Mailce Borges Mota UFSC




Recently, Bigelow, Delmas, Hansen, and Tarone (2006) arguedthat the differences in the oral performance of their L2 speakers(favoring the more literate ones) were probably due to their lowlevel of metalinguistic awareness (which would be a consequenceof their limited literacy). So as to contribute with evidence for thishypothesis, we collected data from 11 Brazilians, who performedtests of L1 literacy, L2 proficiency and L1 and L2 metalinguisticawareness (phonological, morphological, and syntactic) and arelationship between their L1 literacy and their L2 proficiencylevels was, indeed, found. However, the role metalinguisticawareness (either in the L1 or the L2) plays in this relationshipis not clear. While phonological awareness (in the L1 and in the L2) was related to L1 literacy and L2 proficiency, morphologicalawareness (in the L1, only) and syntactic awareness (in theL2, only) were only related to L2 proficiency. Though theseinconclusive results might be the artifact of limitations in someof the instruments used to collect data, this seems to be a fruitfulline of research.

Biografia do Autor

Donesca Xhafaj, UFSC

Donesca Xhafaj holds a Master’s degree in Letras/Inglês e Literatura correspondente from Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (2006) in the area of second language acquisition. She has also been a teacher of English for 10 years and is currently pursuing her PhD at the same graduate program. At the moment, her main research interests are literacy acquisition and metalinguistic awareness, but she is also interested in L2 speech production, task-based approach, and L2 learners’ individual differences.

Mailce Borges Mota, UFSC

Mailce Borges Mota is associate professor of English at the FederalUniversity of Santa Catarina (UFSC) and a fellow researcher fromthe Brazilian funding agency CNPq. Her research focuses on therelationship between second language acquisition/processing andcognitive systems and mechanisms such as memory (declarativememory, procedural memory, working memory), attention, andimplicit and explicit knowledge.


