Editorial Note


  • Ilha do Desterro




From 2015 on, Ilha do Desterro: a Journal of English Language, Literatures in English and Cultural Studies will be publishing three issues per year instead of two. In this way, Ilha complies with newer editorial demands and seeks broader visibility worldwide by instituting a shorter interval between issues.

he present issue of Ilha do Desterro, Volume 68, number 1, whose title is L2 Teacher Education: bridging the complexities of teaching and the learning of teaching, organized by Professors Adriana Kuerten Dellagnelo and Karen E. Johnson, is the irst volume in this new format. Due to delays caused by the implementation of the new time table, involving its team of editors, peer reviewers and staf, this issue is being published in June, but it corresponds to the irst four months of 2015, January to April. We will be publishing this year’s other issues on time, in accordance with the new schedule.
Our sincere thanks to our readers and to all those contributing to this volume, as authors, editors, and staf.

