The Inverted Pyramid and its (Reading) Space/Place: A Comparative Study of "Leaving Lamu" by Lily Mabura (Kenya), "The Homecoming" by Milly Jafta (Namibia) and "Porcelain" by Henrietta Rose-Ines (South Africa)


  • Janice Inês Nodari UFPR.
  • Mônica Stefani Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM



Espaço, Lugar, Pós-colonialismo, Africa


This paper focuses on an important narratological aspect, the setting, as informed by the humanist geography and the distinguishing concepts of “place” and “space” championed by Tuan (2012, 2001). In order to explore such aspect, we chose three short stories written by African women writers that keep the African continent as the main setting: “Leaving Lamu”, by Lily Mabura (Kenya); “Porcelain”, by Henrietta Rose-Innes (South Africa), and “The Homecoming” by Milly Jafta (Namibia). In our analysis and comparison of the short stories, following the methodological procedure of close reading and highlighting the main aspects in regards to space/place and construction of the characters, we detail how the space described in each of the stories becomes a place to each of the protagonists (and how their movements connects to that), helping the postcolonial reader (Ashcroft et al., 2013) apprehend the landscape and understand the idiosyncrasies of a continent which is still seen as “exotic” by many, but whose subtleties, through the literary practice, become familiar, as they are, above all, humane

Biografia do Autor

Janice Inês Nodari, UFPR.

Doutora em Letras - Estudos Literários pela UFPR onde atua como professora de tradução e literaturas de língua inglesa. Tem mestrado em Letras - Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas pela UFSC, e graduação em Letras - Português e Inglês pela UFSM.

Mônica Stefani, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM

Doutora em Literaturas Estrangeiras Modernas (Literaturas de Língua Inglesa) pela UFRGS. É professora do Curso de Letras da UFSM.


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