About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Encontros Bibli is a journal of library science and information science edited by the Graduate Program in Information Science at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Brazil) whose aim is to contribute to the dissemination and promotion of new knowledge in Information Science, Library Science, Archival Science, Museology and related fields.

It mainly accepts new and original articles resulting from scientific research, theoretical essays based on literature review, and case studies. All of them, preferably, with at least one author holding a doctoral degree.

Peer Review Process

Encontros Bibli operates a double-blind peer review process.

In the last three editions, the participation percentage of reviewers external to UFSC was 79.3%.

Submitted manuscripts are pre-reviewed by the Editors, who will take into consideration their originality, contribution, relevance, thematic validity, general structure and compliance to the editorial policies. If they do not meet these criteria, authors will be notified within 15 days of the rejection and filing of the manuscript.

If a manuscript gets a positive evaluation, it will be forwarded to two independent referees, external to Encontros Bibli, who will have to present, within 30 days, the analysis, approval (with or without modifications) or rejection of the manuscript. When necessary, editors can request the participation of more reviewers. The Editor responsible for the review process will notify the author of the result:  “Accepted without changes”, “Accepted with minor changes”, “Corrections required” (to be resubmitted for review) or “Rejected” (with the filing of the manuscript).

In case the manuscript is “accepted with minor changes”, the author will have 21 days to forward the revised manuscript to Encontros Bibli. The Editor responsible for the review process will verify if the revised text has met the requirements made by the reviewers, and will inform the author if the text is accepted, rejected or needs more changes.

In case the manuscript is "rejected" in its final review, the author will be informed of the reason for rejection.

When changes are needed only with respect to grammar, spelling and formatting standards, editors reserve their right to make any necessary changes, respecting the author's style. In the other cases, the author shall reformulate the text according to what the journal has requested.

The editors have the right to reject manuscripts containing significantly similar content (plagiarism) to others in any phase of the process in which the content is identified.

The average response time from the initial acceptance of the manuscript until the confirmation of publication is approximately 120 days.

Conflict of interest

In the case of a conflict of interest on the part of the reviewers, the Editors will forward the manuscript to another reviewer.

Publication Frequency

Encontros Bibli is a triannual journal that is operating under a continuous publication model since issue 24, year 2019.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Ethics and good habits for publication


The editorial practice and the relation between editor with authors and evaluators are sustained on the   editor's guidelines from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Every editorial decision is reasoned out in originality, contribuition, pertinence, legality, subject, general structure and the fullfilment of editorial politics for the journal's scope service.


The evaluation is based on the work's merit, with no influence, positive or negative, by personal, financial or biased motives.

The submissions and the revision details are kept under confidentiality. However, Encontros Bibli offers the option for the referee to publish anonymously their referees together with the article, in case they so desire.

The referee must ascertain and inform the editors of any potential conflict of interests before acceptance of the evaluation or during the process.

When stumbling upon any kind of irregularity in relation to the evaluated article, the referee must communicate it to the editor. Examples of possible irregularities are: identifications of plagiarism; fabrication and/or falsification of results; redundant publication.

Referees will not be accepted unless they are sufficiently justified.

During the editions of 2019 and 2020, Encontros Bibli will offer the possibility to anonymously publishing some its referees as a supplementary document from the article to its referees, opening some of the evaluations to the public. The editorial team allows itself the right of publishing those that are considered relevant.


The indication of authorship in a scientific article, following the  COPE's guide for authors , it is owe only to those who:

a) contribute intellectually, straightforwardly and substantially in the conception of the research/article (aquisition, analysis or interpretation of the presented data);

b) participate in the construction of preliminary versions or the critic revision of the article's content;

c) take responsibillity for the authorship in order to ensure accuracy and intergrity to the article.

The author(s) must declare the  existence of conflict of interests when it is the case, utilizing the appropriate field available in the template 'notas da obra' (footnotes from the work) that will be sent with the supplementary document of the article, and also the correspondent field in the system during the process of   submission.

The authors had the possibility of making an extended publication making their research data available as an supplementary document, everytime there is an open format (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_open_formats) and the bibliographical reference is added in the supplementary document (when possible).

Retration and expression of concern

The editor has the obligation of acting suspect when there is an allegation or identification of ill intent conduct. This investigation extends itself not only to the submissions but published articles as well.

Encontros Bibli has as an instrument the  COPE fluxograms  in order to investigate facts and ascertain the necessary actions in the resolution of cases. It also adopts the  Register and public retraction guide by Scielo.

Articles presented in science events

Encontros Bibli does not accept articles already presented in its totality in science events. Only texts that were not presented in its totality, for example short papers or abstracts will be accepted. Everytime the works are reworked, extended and the modifications are meaningful it is to be understood that this new text is new in relation with the first one, making it passable for acceptance and evaluation.

The authors have the obligation to inform the event (name and website link) where the text was presented in the form of submission of article, in the field "commentaries for the editor" in the system.

In case that the manuscrpit is accepted, it will be mentioned in a footnote that it originated from a presentation performed in said science event.

Qualis Assessment (CAPES)

Last QUALIS (2017):

A2 Communication and Information

B2 Administration, Accounting Sciences and Turism


Encontros Bibli has a  index H of 28 and an index i10 of 109, formulated through Google Scholar in february 2019.

Statistics and Metrics

Awstats - july 2008 - june 2017

Google Scholar - Most cited articles

Metabase - Counter statistics and Google Analytics- 2017 - present


We thank the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina and the CNPq for the support, encouragement, and provision of physical space.

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Sources of Support

We thank the Graduate Program in Information Science at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina for the incentive and the (strategic and operational) support in promoting the construction and dissemination of knowledge.


Journal History

Created in 1996.

Migrated to the Open System Journal in 2007.

Released in the UFSC Journal Portal in 2008.

Published triannually from 2012.

Operating under a continuous publication model since March 2019.

Indexed in the Web of Science since November 2019.