Information user in Library and Information Science journal: mapping of the scientific production between 2001 and 2013
Information users, Users in Library and Information Science journals, Productive authors, Scientific collaboration, Research groupAbstract
This research is an exploratory and descriptive study that analyzes the ‘information user’ subject articles published in thirteen Brazilian scientific journals on Library an information science during thirteen years, between 2001 and 2013. From the methodological point of view, the study is based on this area literature focused on the information user, on user studies and Bibliometric concepts. The quantitative analysis aimed to map the scientific production and explicit indicators to help the information user subject and scientific politics. The results show the most productive journals, chronological development of scientific production that increase in the last six years of the study period, geographic distribution of article production institution, author productivity and collaboration between researchers. Although the south-east region has the biggest production, because of the number of institution with postgraduate courses, the two more productive authors are teachers, one in the masters degree in Brazilian north-east and the other, in a graduate course in an university in the south of the country. The majority articles arise from Library and Information Science area but it isn´t an exclusive of this subject, however there were few collaborations between different areas and institutions. There are signs to steadiness only three groups of distinguished researches.
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