Empirical-theoretical advances in the comparison between Theory of Applied Ontology and Theory of Terminology
Terminology, Applied Ontology, Representation, Knowledge Organization SystemsAbstract
The complexity of certain knowledge domains, as Biomedicine, requires the application of advanced theories and techniques for representation, which are subject of study in the field of Knowledge Organization. The Theory of Terminology and the Theory of Applied Ontology are examples of theories largely employed in Biomedicine, in order to support representation models and to help in building knowledge organization systems. The present paper describes and contrasts the different “dialects” within these two theories during the process of defining and relating entities. In order to emphasize differences and similarities between the two theories, we present a real practical case in the scope of an on-going scientific project in which we create definitions for biomedical entities. Our results point to some convergence between the aforementioned theories, although some questions are still open. We hope this paper can contribute to a better understanding of both theories, as well as help information professionals in applying them in practical contexts.
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