Information architecture on the cordel information environment: analysis of the search system
Information Architecture, Search System -Cordel, Rare Books Library Átila Almeida, User informationAbstract
The Brazilian northeast is rich in cultural products, namely music, repente and cordel. The Biblioteca de Obras Raras Átila Almeida (BORAA) has brochures of early Brazilian production. His constant manipulation deteriorates due to its delicate physical makeup. To safeguard and democratize access, developed projects since 2010 involving technical treatment, scanning and making available these cordéis, creating a database in internet environment. Aimed at its improvement, a study in other Brazilian twine bases, namely Acervo Maria Alice Amorim, Acervo Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa and Centro Nacional de Folclore e Cultura Popular. The light of the Information Architecture (IA) from the perspective of search engine optimization, the objective of this report was to evaluate experience such sites, suggesting improvements in BORAA interface. The analysis approach was qualitative using participant observation and recording in the logbook as data collection instruments. As a result of the study was see the need for improvement as regards the insertion of search fields of information, the impact imagery and building indexes on the BORAA site. One realizes just how important the use of IA as an analytical mechanism and optimization of web interfaces to its users.Downloads
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