Challenges for the public library regarding collection development
Public library, Collections management, Collection development policy, Collection developmentAbstract
This work deals with a historical approach regarding the importance of the public library for society as well as some challenges faced regarding collection management. The challenges for public libraries are many, among them, the shortage of funds impeding an effective exercise of their social role in the community. Thus, planning actions around the provision of information becomes something of fundamental importance. This article aims to propose a reflection regarding collection development and challenges presents in collection management on behalf of public libraries. Collections are managed aiming order as well as to tame excess informational items. These items are analyzed, organized and systematized in collections based on planning solid criteria and guideline, aiming to provide a rational and balanced growth of the collection. A literature review on the subject was done and it points out all the necessary perspective regarding contemporary collection development in public libraries. It was seen that public libraries act as knowledge disseminators. The public library is a sphere that helps to promote reading, culture, citizenship, social inclusion and leisure. In this sense, the research exposes some fundamental actions for the formation and expansion of the collections done in order to corresponds to the real information needs of the target audience.
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