Privacy, ethics and information: a philosophical reflection on the informational ethics dilemmas in the context of social networks
Privacy, Information ethics, Social networks, Information Philosophy, Digital cultureAbstract
This article aims to reflect on the dilemmas of the right to privacy in the context of social networks regarding the experience of democracy in cyberspace, by problematizing the effectiveness of guaranteeing the protection of the privacy of Internet users, in the appreciation of the principles of freedom and autonomy in the Internet environment. It indicates the various national and international legislation that guarantee the citizens' right to privacy and protection of personal data. It reviews the literature of informational ethics, associating this domain of knowledge with the concept of privacy and the context of social networks, discussing the construction of concepts that guide and are directly involved with the domains of informational ethics. Critically considers that the customization of content operated by digital companies, in exchange for the broad freedom of access to the personal data of its users, threatens the principles of autonomy and freedom in cyberspace. It notices that the investigation of personal data is also done among individuals themselves, as a reflection of the current culture of "transparency". Highlights of the need for ethical and legal protection of the digital data of Internet users, aiming at the autonomous safeguarding of their digital identity.
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