Brazilian scientific production in Chemistry between 2004 and 2013: analysis of articles indexed in the Web of Science
Scientific Production, Bibliometric Indicators, ChemistryAbstract
The paper analyzes the Brazilian scientific production in Chemistry published between 2004 and 2013 as scientific articles. The corpus of the study is composed of 42,954 scientific articles selected in the Web of Science database. The results show that Brazilian scientific production in chemistry increased linearly during the ten years studied, with a growth rate of 6.29% per year and 73.19% in the whole period. Its contribution to total domestic production is 15.5% and to world production in Chemistry is 1.95%. There is great inequality among Brazilian regions in relation to their productivity. The Southeast and South regions stand out for the number of published articles. Most of the articles have national co-authors, but a percentage of 24% was co-authored with foreign researchers. Bilateral co- authorship is prevalent among articles published in international collaboration. The results point to the steady growth of the area and for to the internationalization of Brazilian chemical research.
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