Junior company in the work of the professional consultant of Librarianship: a case study from the Federal University of Goiás
Professional Competences, Entrepreneurship, Information Consultant, LibrarianAbstract
It aims to identify if the students of the Librarianship Course of the Federal University of Goiás have a consultant profile provided by the resources offered through the Junior Company of the course. The study has as its main questioning to verify if the Junior Company has contributed to the professional background of the future librarians of the state of Goiás. To do so, seeks to identify the main landmarks that tell the story of the junior librarianship company of the Federal University of Goiás, it analyzes the intentions of undergraduate librarians to work in the business line and the influence of the Junior Company in the consulting practice. It utilizes a bibliographic procedure to underlie the ideas presented and with the presupposition to understand the issue in detail, a case study is delimited with a quantitative and qualitative approach through a descriptive-explanatory method of data collection by applying questionnaires and conducting interviews with professors and undergraduate students. It may be concluded that the students of the Librarianship course have an understanding of what a Junior Company is and how it is able to offer knowledge about consulting activities for future librarians in the state of Goiás, besides their willingness and interest in participating in the Junior Company, as well as acting in the consulting area. However, it is identified that the existing Junior Company is not active and is not able to offer intellectual and professional subsidies to students who have an interest in being part of it, due to the lack of disclosure of the company and to the non-performance of activities once its functions have terminated.
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