Visual Scientific Communication: approaches in information science
Visual scientific communication, Communication channels, Iconographic documents, Integrative revisionAbstract
Objective: The study presents a discussion about scientific communication realized based on visual records, conceptualized as visual scientific communication. For that approach, it is developed an integrative revision in order to identify, from a survey in the Base for Reference Data of Articles and Journals in Information Science (BRAPCI), in the Data Base of Thesis and Dissertations of the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (BDTD/IBICT), and in the annals of the National Meeting of Research in Information Science (ENANCIB), the comprehension about this concept and how visual scientific communication is discussed in the area of Brazilian Information Science (IS), with emphasis on iconographic documents.
Methods: From the methodological point of view, this study is characterized as an exploratory and descriptive research based on a documentary approach with a mixed approach.
Results: The surveyed results evidenced that the communication developed in that area of knowledge is restricted to textual and written documents, with emphasis on the bibliometric analysis of scientific journals.
Conclusions: Thus, in the final considerations it is shown that there is an incipiency of works which contemplate visual records as bearers of a given scientific knowledge that enable the divulgation of scientific information about a determined theme. This way, the developed initial work enables a debate about the referred theme, contributing to a more comprehensive discussion in relation to the advertising of the production of scientific information.
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