Sensitive bibliography: place-space and space-time of Cassandra Rios work
Sensitive bibliography, Sensitive documents, Cassandra Rios, Censure, LGBTAbstract
Objective: This article reflect about materiality conditions of enunciates and discourses in Cassandra Rios work, censured on military dictatorship because of linked homosexualities content. The objective is understand the powers and potential of these works for her configuration how to sensitive bibliography.
Methods: It is a qualitative, of a qualitative nature, using Content Analysis and Discourse Analysis to examine the sources. As for the procedures, it is considered bibliographic.
Results: The results indicate the difficulty in identifying, knowing and recognizing the diversity of violence suffered by LGBT + subjects and by those who enunciated homosexualities and gender identities during the military dictatorship. In addition, it appears that the official documents do not guarantee the retraction of the violence practiced against LGBT+ subjects in this period, as the official records operated to hide, silence and exclude these conditions of existence.
Conclusions: The conclusions demonstrate the importance of the materiality of statements and speeches in official and unofficial documents. In addition, the relevance of understanding the Cassandra Rios works as a sensitive bibliography and as an auxiliary resource to the procedures for the knowledge and recognizing of peripheral existences subjected by the State and by society in different relations of knowledge/power.
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