Linha Cumeada: an archeology of the epistemological statements of Bibliography in the foundation of Information Science
Bibliography, Information Science, Historical epistemology, Philosophy of Language, SpeechAbstract
Objective: The research investigates, through the epistemological-historical assumption, the formation of Information Science in the light of the speeches and statements of the Bibliography in speeches of grounding the field.
Methods: This is a theoretical reflection, via the diachronic approach of historical epistemology and the philosophy of language, with the corpus of seminal works by Gabriel Peignot, Paul Otlet, Nicolas Roubakine, Shyiali Ranganathan and Robert Estivals.
Result: The research demonstrates, from the speeches collected in the field's founding works, the structural and structuring role of the Bibliography in the construction of Information Science.
Conclusions: The fundamentality of Bibliography is affirmed by the results, demonstrating, in addition to its central epistemological role in the historical formation process of Information Science, its uses as a political force and a tool for social transformation.
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