Documentation, Museum and Memory: Getúlio Vargas Collection of the National Historical Museum
Getúlio Vargas Collection, Documentation, Memory, National Historical MuseumAbstract
Objective: Identify and discuss a memorialistic and mediating dimension of the Getúlio Vargas Collection in the light of the theories of Bibliography and Memory.
Methods: The research was characterized as descriptive and had as its central objective the grouping of data and information about CGV, adopting a qualitative approach and using historical-documentary data collection techniques. To analyze the documentation of the Getúlio Vargas Collection, the research used records found in annals, reports and historical files.
Results: The relationship between Getúlio Vargas and the National Historical Museum was verified after the creation of the Getúlio Vargas Collection. It is possible to recover the history of this collection from the records, inventories and catalogs that serve as traces of the past and as instruments for institutionalizing and legitimizing objects.
Conclusions: It brings up reflections on memory and cultural heritage that involves museological, memorialistic and bibliographic perspectives, a closer relationship between Museology and Bibliography, based on the understanding of the bibliography to the Getúlio Vargas Collection from the National Historical Museum and its importance in the recovery of information. It also seeks to open a dialogue for the use of museum objects as historical documents and bibliography as a product of museums, by inventorying, cataloging and registering, crossing the frontier of the book.
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