Specialized Knowledge in the Domain of Power Supply: a case of study on the knowledge acquisition for ontology
Ontology, Power Supply Sector, Knowledge AcquisitionAbstract
Objective: The present article addresses knowledge organization in the Brazilian power supply sector, using ontologies as an alternative.
Method: We describe a process of knowledge acquisition performed within a large national company in the supply sector, highlighting the difficulties, errors and lessons learned. The expression “knowledge acquisition” is used to name the stage of the development of ontologies in which expertise is elicited and registered for further formalization. Information Science researchers were trained to create formal definitions following an axiomatic pattern typical of ontologies. Each researcher received about 50 terms, in addition to knowledge inputs to develop the work, namely: records of the specialized domain knowledge obtained through interviews with experts, tables with lists of processes related to the company’s assets that were the scope of the ontology, to mention a few.
Results: the knowledge acquisition generated almost 400 definitions in natural language, which were revised and adapted according to the pattern. As an intermediate result, we obtained almost 100 semi-formally defined terms that were, then validated.
Conclusions: The partial results of the case study reveal issues – logical and terminological – verified during knowledge acquisition that deserve attention, since they constitute one of the first fronts to be faced regarding the lack of interoperability between systems. The case study also highlights learned lessons and possible improvements, for the sector and for society, offered by Information Science when performing this type of work.
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