Conception, dimension and structure of the Gesnerian Bibliotheca Universalis (1545): bibliographical glosses from its Epistola Nuncupatoria
Bibliotheca Universalis(1545), Epistola Nuncupatoria[f. 2r -[7r]], Bibliography, History and Theory, Organization of Knowledge, 16th CenturyAbstract
Objective: Map, present and discuss the conception, dimension and documentary structure of Bibliotheca Universalis (1545), by Conrad Gesner (1516-1565), from its preface, called Epistola Nuncupatoria.
Methods: Under the historical-bibliographic horizon, the study is developed through: 1) reading and full translation of Epistola Nuncupatoria, which occupies the interval between the folios 2r and [7r] of Bibliotheca Universalis; 2) the relationship between the Latin text of the Epistola and the gesnerian bibliographical studies, notably Serrai (1990) and Sabba (2012).
Results: In Epistola Nuncupatoria, Conrad Gesner exposes the conception, dimension and documentary structure of Bibliotheca Universalis (1545), since it surpasses: 1) its scope and objectives; 2) its use by readers; 3) bibliographical losses and destruction; 4) dynamics of production and circulation of printed books; 5) authorial scope; 6) ordering sources; 7) news about the researched libraries; 8) typology and coverage of the sources adopted for its composition. The bibliographical repertoire results from a long effort and individual dedication, but Gesner emphasizes that it paved the way for other scholars to transmit the books to posterity - a desire that is consolidated in the Epitomi of Bibliotheca Universalis.
Conclusions: Understood and read as a set of mediating and memorialistic arguments, Epistola Nuncupatoria forms a rich corpus that manifests and synthesizes Conrad Gesner's reflection and self-awareness about his work methods, which, strictly speaking, form the substrate of the gesture and the bibliographical method
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