Citation practices in Knowledge Organization and Representation in Brazil
Citation studies, Citation practices, Knowledge Organization, Sociocultural Conception, BrazilAbstract
Objective: To analyze the production ways and the elements of distinction of the citation practices in the field of Knowledge Organization and Representation in Brazil from 2015 to 2018. The specific objectives are mapping the most productive and cited authors of the period in the domain of Knowledge Organization and Representation and identify the authors' citation reasons of the most cited authors as of their scientific contributions.
Methods: It configures as a contribution of bibliographical and descriptive character. It uses the scientometric method through content and subject analysis techniques to demonstrate the motivations of the citation practices of researchers related to the domain of the Organization and Knowledge Representation.
Results: The predominance of citation in national researchers is evident in the analyzed clipping, with emphasis on the author Fujita, M. S. L. and the author Guimarães, J. A. C. Concerning the reasons for citations, the domain of the conceptual dimension stands out with 93.2%. In contrast, the social dimension appears with only 6.8% of the total occurrences. In the distribution of the reasons for the citations by categories, we can highlight the occurrences aimed at supporting statements and information, which received 1,148 mentions, as well as the reasons aimed at more theoretical and conceptual discussions, with a total of 902 linked reasons.
Conclusions: Considering the forms of production and the instances of consecration pointed out by the binomial production-citation, from the results, the position of the most productive authors in the field reverberated in citations, with plural reasons and motivations concentrated on supporting arguments, exemplifying situations, cases, and points of view, as well as theoretical, conceptual and methodological definitions and clarifications.
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How to Cite
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