Public libraries’ contributions to smart cities’ development
Vocal materialities, Maternity, Discourse, Repressive State ApparatusAbstract
Objective: The perspective of development of smart cities is a trend for the Brazilian Public Administration. It is a technological, interconnected and efficient management model that supplies the urgency of indicators and strategies for innovative and sustainable planning. The concept starts from the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), but progressively evolves towards a holistic view of the urban system, considering its dimensions: technology (infrastructure), people (education) and institutions (governance). This article aims to analyze the action potential of public libraries for the development of smart cities in order to contribute to a broader, necessary and humane view of the smart cities model.
Methods: The research is characterized as bibliographical and documentary, with an exploratory character. To achieve the objective of the article, a literature review was carried out with subsequent content analysis as a technique for treating the qualitative data obtained, which allowed inferring the contributions of public libraries in the context under study.
Results: The recovery of only one Brazilian work that discusses the relationship between libraries and smart cities demonstrates this gap in the national literature on Library Science and Information Science. From the content analysis carried out in the 53 works retrieved, the following contributions of public libraries to the development of smart cities were identified: internet availability, promotion of informational and media literacy, fostering and encouraging innovation, access and dissemination of utilitarian information.
Conclusions: It concludes that, in the context of smart cities, the public library has the potential to be a public space that enables citizen participation and community development.
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