Study of the terminology of the disciplinary area of Law and the proposition of a System of Organization of Knowledge in Criminal Law
Criminal Law, Knowledge Organization System, GlossaryAbstract
Objective: Investigate the productivity and frequency of use of terms in the texts of journal articles in the field of Law and propose a Knowledge Organization System (SOC), namely, a prototype of a glossary specialized in Criminal Law.
Method: It uses a qualitative-quantitative, bibliographical and exploratory approach. For the composition of the sample, articles in the area of Law, in Portuguese, published in the triennium 2018-2020, in periodical titles indexed in the Qualis Periodicals base classified in stratum A1. The RankWords software was used for word count and the Goffman Transition Point formula was applied to the delimitation of the Transition Region.
Result: A total of 38 articles on Criminal Law published in 05 journal titles were retrieved and, after analyzing the texts, 122 terms were considered for the composition of the specialized glossary on Criminal Law.
Conclusions: The central objective of proposing a SOC in Criminal Law was achieved, represented by the creation of the prototype of a specialized glossary. From a methodological point of view, the laws, techniques and bibliometric principles, specifically the calculation of the Transition Point and the delimitation of the Goffman Transition Region, enabled the validation of the terms selected for the composition of the SOC. Finally, it is understood that the study is a contribution to the areas of representation and organization of information and knowledge in Librarianship and Law.
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