Patentometric analysis as a subsid to the management of technological innovation: a case study in radiopharmaceuticals for cancer
Patentometry, Information management, Public HealthAbstract
Objective: Prospect the evolution of patent applications onIdentify, extract, process data, organize and make available technological information in the form of graphical interfaces described in oncology patents containing the radioisotopes gallium-68 (68Ga), copper-64 (64Cu) and zirconium-89 (89Z) in order to understand the development of science and technology in the area.
Method: The ORBIT Intelligence® platform from the company QUESTEL® was used to identify, extract, process the data, organize and make available the technological information in the form of graphical interfaces, analysis of the filed patents in force in the last 20 years in the main patent offices in the world.
Result: For gallium-68, copper-64 and zirconium-89, respectively, 36, 18 and 10 families of patents containing the search terms described in the methodology were identified. In both cases, China stands out in the number of filed patent applications, depositing 61% of the total analyzed. It was also observed that many of the analyzed documents were deposited by universities, reinforcing the concept of company-university partnership. The results obtained point out that the area of this study continues to grow and the understanding of the information present in the patent documents makes it possible to reflect on spaces to intensify the development of innovations in the oncology area.
Conclusions: The results obtained demonstrate the relevance of information for the management of a country's technological development, which can serve as an efficient method to analyze, compare and monitor research and development activities in cancer and also support the planning processes organizations, as well as supporting public and private health policies.
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