Patentometric analysis as a subsid to the management of technological innovation: a case study in radiopharmaceuticals for cancer




Patentometry, Information management, Public Health


Objective: Prospect the evolution of patent applications onIdentify, extract, process data, organize and make available technological information in the form of graphical interfaces described in oncology patents containing the radioisotopes gallium-68 (68Ga), copper-64 (64Cu) and zirconium-89 (89Z) in order to understand the development of science and technology in the area.

Method: The ORBIT Intelligence® platform from the company QUESTEL® was used to identify, extract, process the data, organize and make available the technological information in the form of graphical interfaces, analysis of the filed patents in force in the last 20 years in the main patent offices in the world.

Result: For gallium-68, copper-64 and zirconium-89, respectively, 36, 18 and 10 families of patents containing the search terms described in the methodology were identified. In both cases, China stands out in the number of filed patent applications, depositing 61% of the total analyzed. It was also observed that many of the analyzed documents were deposited by universities, reinforcing the concept of company-university partnership. The results obtained point out that the area of this study continues to grow and the understanding of the information present in the patent documents makes it possible to reflect on spaces to intensify the development of innovations in the oncology area.

Conclusions: The results obtained demonstrate the relevance of information for the management of a country's technological development, which can serve as an efficient method to analyze, compare and monitor research and development activities in cancer and also support the planning processes organizations, as well as supporting public and private health policies.


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Author Biographies

Henrique Koch Chaves, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation

I am currently a postdoctoral fellow at Fiocruz, working with Big Data in Public Health (2021). The investigations are carried out through the elaboration of prospective and technological scenarios with information science, Competitive Intelligence and Knowledge Management tools. Included in this context is the analysis of BIG DATA, Web 2.0, Health 2.0, Technological Trends, Marketing, Patents and Knowledge Translation. I have a master's degree and a PhD in Analytical and Inorganic Chemistry from the University of São Paulo (USP), having experience in the following subjects: 1) organometallic compounds, ruthenium complexes for homogeneous catalysis, polymers, olefin metathesis; 2) rhenium and technetium complex for pharmacological and medicinal applications, including applications as antitumor agents. Graduated in Chemistry from the Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (UESC).

Júlia Maria Brandão da Silva, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation

Bacharelanda em  Farmácia no Centro Universitário Uniabeu (Belford Roxo - RJ) e faz iniciação científica na Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), com bolsa da CNPq.

Carla Cristina de Freitas da Silveira, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation

PhD in Collective Health - Institute of Social Medicine (IMS) of the State University of Rio de Janeiro - UERJ (2016). Postgraduate in Management of Health Science and Technology Organizations - Fiocruz National School of Public Health (ENSP) (2014). Postgraduate in Civil Law and Civil Procedure - Universidade Gama Filho (2010). Bachelor of Laws - Estácio de Sá University (2008). Master in Science - Organic Chemistry - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ (1998). Bachelor in Chemistry with Technological Attributions (1992) and Degree in Chemistry (1991) - Faculty of Humanities Pedro II. She is currently a Health Management Analyst in Farmanguinhos, where she works as Coordinator of the Technological Innovation Center (NIT-FAR) of the Institute of Technology in Pharmaceuticals - FARMANGUINHOS/FIOCRUZ, Head Professor of the Lato Sensu Postgraduate Program in Pharmaceutical Industrial Technologies - TIF of Farmanguinhos/FIOCRUZ and Professor at the State Department of Education of Rio de Janeiro (SEEDUC), where he teaches Chemistry. She acted as: Intellectual Property Consultant at CENPES / PETROBRAS (2005-2009); Technical Consultant in the area of ​​Industrial Property of Pharmaceutical Products and Processes in the Coordination of Intellectual Property (COOPI) of the National Health Surveillance Agency - ANVISA (2001-2005); Patent Analyst at the National Institute of Industrial Property - INPI (1998-2000); Member of the team responsible for structuring a Patent Database in the field of Fine Chemicals (Project: ALERT PATENTES) at the Brazilian Association of Fine Chemical Industries - ABIFINA (1993-1994). She has experience in the field of Chemistry and Medicines with an emphasis on Industrial Property. Judicial expert at the 9th and 17th VFRJ.

Fabio Luiz Navarro Marques, University of São Paulo

Bachelor of Science - Qualification in Chemistry from Faculdades Oswaldo Cruz (1991), Master's in Organic Chemistry from Instituto de Química - USP (1998) and Doctorate in Science from Faculdade de Medicina - USP (2007), in the area of ​​experimental oncology. Professionally, I work as a chemist in the Radiopharmacy sector of the Nuclear Medicine Center of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (since 1994); as assistant director of the FMUSP board (since 2012); technical responsible for controlled chemical products at FMUSP (since 2011); member of the Waste Management Program Committee (since 2012). He works as a specific advisor in the postgraduate program in oncology at FMUSP. He is co-responsible for the postgraduate courses FBF5831-Fundamentals of Radiopharmacy: from Research to Applications (since 2019) and MCM5945-Radiopharmacy Practices and Molecular Imaging (since 2021). Supervisor/advisor of the radiopharmacy improvement/specialization program at Hospital das Clínicas - FMUSP (since 1999). He has experience in organic synthesis and radiopharmacy, working on the following topics: synthesis of molecules to obtain technetium [99mTc] complexes; radiopharmaceutical preparation of [99mTc]technetium, [18F]fluor, [89Zr]zirconium, [68Ga]gallium; biodistribution studies in cellular and animal models; development of analytical methodologies for quality control of radiopharmaceuticals and their precursors. It belongs to the research group Study in Molecular Imaging ( Responsible for the Workshop Positron Emission Radiopharmaceuticals and Molecular Imaging (2014 and 2015) and Workshop Advances in Molecular Imaging and Radiopharmaceuticals (2018). Member of the Chemical-Pharmaceutical Technical Committee of the Regional Council of Chemistry IV Region (CRQ-IV since 2022).

Jorge Lima de Magalhães, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation

He holds a postdoctoral degree from Aix Marseille Université, France (Laboratoire IRSIC EA4262 - Institut de Recherche en Sciences de lInformation et de la Communication) in Competitive Intelligence for Public Health (2013). He holds a Doctor of Science degree from the Postgraduate Program in Chemical and Biochemical Process Technology at EQ / UFRJ-area of ​​Management and Technological Innovation (2010) and a Master of Science from the same program (2007). He has a specialization in Business Administration and Management from Faculdades Simonsen (1998) and is an Industrial Chemist with a Full Degree from the Faculty of Philosophy Sciences and Letters Souza Marques (1996). He has more than 20 years of experience in Strategic Management in Pharmaceutical Industrial Operations. In the last 20 years, he has dedicated himself to R,D&I in the area of ​​Public Health at FIOCRUZ, where he has published 5 books, 35 book chapters and several articles in national and international indexed journals. He works in Management and Technological Innovation at the Technological Innovation Center (NIT-Far) of the Farmanguinhos Institute of Technology in Pharmaceuticals / FIOCRUZ. In CNPq Research groups, he is the leader of the Knowledge Management and Health Prospecting group at FIOCRUZ, participates in the Chemical Industry Information System-SIQUIM at UFRJ and in the Technological Prospecting in Intellectual Property group at INPI. He is a guest researcher at the Global Health and Tropical Medicine (GHMT) of the Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (IHMT) at the NOVA University of Lisbon. Founding member of the International Platform for Science, Technology and Innovation in Health (PICTIS) and coordinator of the LabSec Pharmaceuticals, Medicines and Bioproducts of PICTIS at the University of Aveiro). The emphasis of his research permeates the identification, extraction and analysis of essential information within the "Big data" in Health regarding Management and Technological Innovation. The topics covered are inherent to Global Health, involving the pharmaceutical, pharmochemical and public health sectors. The investigations are carried out through the elaboration of prospective and technological scenarios with tools from information science, Competitive intelligence and Knowledge Management for Global Health and "One Health". This context includes the analysis of Big Data in health, business strategy in the pharmaceutical area, Digital Health, Technological Trends, Marketing, Patents and Knowledge Translation.


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How to Cite

CHAVES, Henrique Koch; SILVA, Júlia Maria Brandão da; SILVEIRA, Carla Cristina de Freitas da; MARQUES, Fabio Luiz Navarro; MAGALHÃES, Jorge Lima de. Patentometric analysis as a subsid to the management of technological innovation: a case study in radiopharmaceuticals for cancer. Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação, [S. l.], v. 28, p. 1–21, 2023. DOI: 10.5007/1518-2924.2023.e92608. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 feb. 2025.