Open Science Policies

  1. Scientific Nature

Since its creation, Encontros Bibli Journal has been strongly dedicated to research dissemination and publicity in the areas of Information Science – Library Science, Archival Science, Museology, Information Management, Communication – and other related areas, by adopting practices that allow maximizing and streamlining the editorial process of the articles that are published on our platform.

Our journal has become a space of inclusion and diversity that works for the acceptance of affirmative actions and fosters wide debates by offering informative materials, promoting events on gender equality, and supporting any action that stimulates collaboration.

Encontros Bibli provides public access to its entire content based on the principle that allowing free access to research generates a greater global knowledge exchange. Focusing on streamlining the processes of research publicity and dissemination on our focus areas, the journal uses the publication system of continuous workflow.

Our view focuses on fostering the practices of the Science Open movement for better research transparency and reproducibility by sharing research data openly, thus favoring collaboration in the scientific community. The editorial team of Encontros Bibli Journal:

  • Allows both the authors and evaluators to decide whether to directly interact throughout the manuscript evaluation process.
  • Publishes anonymously the decisions issued by the referees throughout the evaluation process.
  • Supports the use of preprint servers and accepts manuscripts previously stored on reliable servers, such as SciELO Preprints.
  • Accepts data articles for publication, a type of manuscript that describes a certain dataset or group of datasets, peer-reviewed and published as an article in an academic journal.
  • Guides that data resulting from research collections, as well as codes, be shared and published in a reliable repository. We strongly recommend that data be deposited in SciELO Dataafter approval of the manuscripts, and that the Research Data Deposit Guide be consulted for this purpose..

Encontros Bibli Journal seeks to create a space for authors, readers, evaluators, and the whole community interested in deepening knowledge in the areas of Information and Communication to collaborate and contribute to science development. A space for research data, laboratory notes, and other research processes to be available openly, supported by policies that allow the reuse, redistribution, and reproduction of research data and methods employed.

  1. Relevance and Operational Sustainability

The educational and formative role of Encontros Bibli Journal involves using its spaces to promote cultural actions and debates on the research in the areas of Information Science – Library Science, Documenting, Archival Science, Museology, Information Management, and related areas –, favoring the economic, social, and cultural development of the state of Santa Catarina and Brazil as a whole. We especially direct our efforts to inform the population, clearly and transparently, about how these areas can benefit the economic, political, cultural, and social development, in the personal, regional, and national scopes.

Elements of economic, social, and cultural development are extremely relevant to understanding the main discussions of the contemporary world. The Encontros Bibli editorial, publications, and actions on social networks seek to address the relevance of debating culture as an economic development tool that fosters social transformation. Likewise, we understand economic development as a key to improving the population's quality of life and fostering culture and social balance in our society.

We promote lectures and debates in the main events in the country and abroad concerning information treatment and its impacts on the life of society. We have been working on a project aimed at making the population increasingly familiar with the results and research published in their environments.

All resources and efforts of Encontros Bibli Journal seek to drive the economy, culture, and innovative thought of our readers and users aiming to foster independence and autonomy. Nonetheless, we also seek cultural investments linked to social and educational purposes with clearly delimited assignments and roles of sociocultural policies in both public and private scopes.

The journal is administratively subscribed to the Graduate Program in Information Science of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (PGCIN-UFSC) and the UFSC Portal of Journals. Both institutions guarantee the operational and financial sustainability of the journal.

On the one hand, the PGCIN guarantees a sustainable professional editorial team that is skillful and knowledgeable to assume alternately and responsibly the direction of the journal, in addition to affording the cost of XML markup services (Extensible Markup Language).

On the other hand, the UFSC Portal of Journals, responsible for providing access, visibility, safety, and support to the editors of its scientific journals, guarantees the resources for the payment of services, such as the availability of DOI (Digital Object Identification) for the articles and proof of plagiarism service using the Ithenticate tool for detecting similarity of characters.

  1. Editorial Qualification

The members of the Encontros Bibli Journal editorial team are known for their contribution and expertise in the academic community. Our journal dedicates to preserving a satisfactory representativeness of the foreign community in the editorial team while taking actions aimed at a balanced formation of a more inclusive and diverse research team, especially concerning gender equality.

Consult our Editorial Team here

  1. Open Access

Encontros Bibli meets the DOAJ definition of open access, providing public access to all its content, following the principle that making access to research free generates a greater global exchange of knowledge.

The Encontros Bibli journal makes all content available free of charge, openly and without delay.
Published articles do not have an embargo period and there is no need for users to register to read the content.

According to the recommendations of the Open Access movement, this journal offers its content in Full Open Access. Thus, all authors have their rights preserved, allowing Encontros Bibli to publish their articles and disseminate them to the entire community.

The content of Encontros Bibli is licensed by a Creative Commons 4.0 License CC BY.
Any user is entitled to:

Sharing – copy, download, print, or redistribution of the material in any support or format.
Adapting – remixing, transforming, and creating based on the material for any purpose, even commercial.
According to the following terms:

Assignment – The author must assign the proper credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate whether changes have been made. It must be done in any reasonable circumstance but without suggesting that the licensor should support the author or the license use.

No extra restrictions – Legal terms or measures of technological nature that legally restrict others from any action allowed by the license are not permitted.

  1. Filing

Encontros Bibli concerns access to content within the established deadline. Upon the cancellation of any of the servers, our digital files are preserved on the Cariniana Network through the LOCKSS program, which creates a file system distributed among the participating libraries, allowing them to create permanent files for conservation and restoration.