Sobre o Periódico

Focus and Scope


Encontros Bibli Journal publishes studies in the field of Information Science – Library Science, Documenting, Archival Science, Museology, Information Management – and related areas resulting from scientific research, theoretical essays, and case studies.


To contribute to the dissemination and promotion of new knowledge in Information Science, Library Science, Archival Science, Museology, and related areas.


Encontros Bibli has been published in the modality of continuous publication or continuous workflow from volume 24, 2019.



Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina -- Programa de Pós Graduação em Ciência da Informação
Centro de Ciências da Educação (CED), Bloco B, sala 211.

Endereço: Campus Universitário Reitor João David Ferreira Lima - Trindade, Florianópolis - SC, Brazil. CEP-88040-900.


(+55) 483721-2237



Qualis Evaluation (CAPES) (2017-2020): Communication and Information A2

Scimago Journal & Country Rank

Library and Information Sciences (Q3)

Information Systems (Q4)

Management Information Systems (Q4)

Journal Citation Indicator (JCI)     

Information Science & Library Science (Q4)

Impact Score (0.09)

Digital Preservation

Encontros Bibli concerns access to content within the established deadline. Upon the cancellation of any of the servers, our digital files are preserved on the Cariniana Network through the LOCKSS program, which creates a file system distributed among the participating libraries, allowing them to create permanent files for conservation and restoration.

Indexing Sources

One of the main objectives of Encontros Bibli Journal is to influence the debate on research topics and lines developed in the areas of Information Science – Library Science, Archival Science, Museology, and related areas. In this sense, the members of the Editorial Team, along with the Scientific Editorial Council, have focused on greater visibility among the scientific community.

In this perspective, the editorial team has been dedicated to inserting the journal into different spaces of consultation, search, and retrieval of information accessed by the scientific community in the areas of Communication and Information.


Emerging Sources Citation index (ESCI)




vLEX - Base de dados da área de Direito






Ulrich´s Web


Academic Journals Database



Portal de Periódicos da CAPES

World Wide Science?

In other systems, such as repositories, social and academic networks, catalogs, and virtual libraries, among others, Encontros Bibli is present in the following publicity channels:


b-on - Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online



Despite all efforts to better position the journal, the editorial team understands the several issues yet to be solved. Nonetheless, the editorial team keeps working to increase the publicity, exposition, and impact of the manuscripts published in the journal. For such a purpose, we created profiles on different social networks.

  1. Open Access

Encontros Bibli meets the DOAJ definition of open access, providing public access to all its content, following the principle that making access to research free generates a greater global exchange of knowledge.

The Encontros Bibli journal makes all content available free of charge, openly and without delay.
Published articles do not have an embargo period and there is no need for users to register to read the content.

According to the recommendations of the Open Access movement, this journal offers its content in Full Open Access. Thus, all authors have their rights preserved, allowing Encontros Bibli to publish their articles and disseminate them to the entire community.

The content of Encontros Bibli is licensed by a Creative Commons 4.0 License CC BY.
Any user is entitled to:

Sharing – copy, download, print, or redistribution of the material in any support or format.
Adapting – remixing, transforming, and creating based on the material for any purpose, even commercial.
According to the following terms:

Assignment – The author must assign the proper credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate whether changes have been made. It must be done in any reasonable circumstance but without suggesting that the licensor should support the author or the license use.

No extra restrictions – Legal terms or measures of technological nature that legally restrict others from any action allowed by the license are not permitted.

Bibliographic Journal Information

Bibliographic Sheet

Journal title: Encontros Bibli
Short title: Encontros Bibli
Published by: Federal University of Santa Catarina, Department of Information Sciences
Frequency: Annual
Publication modality: Continuous Publication
Year of creation of the journal: 1996

Websites and Social Media
