Jesse Shera and his contribution to the field of Library and Information Science
Jesse Shera, Information science –humanistic aspect, Chicago School, Library and Information scienceAbstract
This paper aims to present the contribution of Jesse Shera to the field of Library and Information Science (LIS). Through a theoretical revision it intends to address aspects related to the movements which are influential in the humanistic part of Information Science, permeating its historical aspects, including its consolidation and highlighting the movement known as the Chicago School, which exerted a great influence on the humanistic repercussion of the discussed field of study. We discuss curiosities about Jesse Hauk Shera, his life and his works. Finally, we show the influences of Jesse Shera on the fields of the current LIS and offer ways in which new research may be developed based on the theoretical revision carried out, in order to encourage other researchers to have a closer look at the relevance Shera in this field.Downloads
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