Bohr atomic model and its limitations on the interpretation of helium atomic spectrum
The insertion of modern and contemporary Physics topics on Brazilian High School Education is no longer something so distant. The didactic books approved in the last National Plan include, somehow, discussions about this theme. However, the effective implementation of these subjects in schools depends on conceptual and didactic training of the teachers. In this sense, the present article intends to contribute with teachers and undergraduate Physics students by presenting a brief historical delimitation which emphasizes the context where Bohr atomic model emerges, known to be proposed in a period of transition between classical and modern Physics. Further, we show in details the limitations of this model, pointing the need of explanations from the new quantum mechanics to correctly describe the Helium atomic spectrum. Finally, we present an experimental proposal for the construction of a low cost spectroscope, and discuss some data collected with this equipment.
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Caderno Brasileiro de Ensino de Física, Florianópolis, SC, Brasil - - - eISSN 2175-7941 - - - está licenciada sob Licença Creative Commons > > > > >