Stereotyping saves time: turning Lusophone culture representations and Portuguese language best practices into high-leverage teaching practices




This paper focuses on stereotyping in a comparison of Portuguese as a Second Language and Portuguese as a Foreign Language teaching, learning, and material. Current academic debate shows that stereotypes impact foreign language acquisition, despite the fact that categorizing the world helps us acknowledge the unknown. Yet, stereotypes can be a starting point to the exercise of deconstruction, common in High-Leverage Teaching Practice (HLTP) and applicable to any teaching approach, audience repertoire, or content alignment (GLISAN; DONATO, 2017). Stereotyping also occurs beyond classroom when externalized at a belonging-distancing dichotomy: the keener on the target culture, the more distant learners place themselves from the source culture. Findings indicate that categories of linguistic distance and identity status are only strongly biased by life repertoires, thus compromising any attempt of a pluricentric approach to Portuguese for international communication, if teaching, learning, and content evolve around best practices as model-outs and observations, rather than around deconstruction through HLTPs.

Biografia do Autor

Silvia Ramos-Sollai, Florida State University

Silvia Sollai is a Ph.D. candidate in Curriculum and Instruction at FSU. Her dissertation and line of research is biliteracy, more specifically, the very earliest phases of reading acquisition in Portuguese for heritage speakers. Silvia also researches Portuguese-Spanish interface languages interaction. Currently, Silvia is also K-12 Portuguese Curriculum Specialist for the Portuguese Acquisition Linkages Project (PAL), in which Silvia is responsible for recruiting students, interviewing all the programs in the U.S., and training Portuguese instructors in order to design a replicable curriculum for Portuguese World Language with the latest word in performance and proficiency that will be made available for any K-12 Portuguese program nationwide and meet trending needs. PAL is a partner grant of the Portuguese Flagship Program at UGA, the only major & internship one-year scholarship to Brazil in the U.S. Silvia has taught English, Portuguese, French, and Italian for more than 30 years in Brazil, Italy and the U.S.


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