Aspects of the teaching practice in the horror narratives's revision and rewriting


  • Denise Moreira Gasparotto Instituto Federal Catarinense
  • Renilson José Menegassi Universidade Estadual de Maringá



This study was focused on recension and rewriting in teacher’s practice with students of the 4th and 5th grades of an elementary school in the Northwest region of Paraná State, Brazil, considering the writing pieces made in class about the Horror Story discursive genre. Conceiving rewriting as work, and based on Bakhtin’s Circle of dialogic assumptions concerning dialogism, the responsiveness of the written discourse, genres, and in studies on Applied Linguistics about text revision and rewriting, we observed the guided practice of a teacher on the text revision and rewriting processes of students in this situation. The characterization of the Horror Story genre was our main focus, proving that the notes on rewriting should be observed from this assumption. The records collection was carried out during the second half of the year 2012, after a collaborative theoretical-methodological intervention with the teacher, providing theoretical subsidies and guided discussions in order to subsidize the work’s proposed comprehension, and evaluate the ongoing actions. The results proved that: a) the internalization of the theoretical-methodological assumptions happens when a single discursive genre is into focus; b) the guidance and the attendance by the teacher are necessary for the formation process; c) an improvement was observed in the students’ writings; d) there is a necessity of development and improvement of proper revision and rewriting strategies towards the analyzed genre; and e) the work done with text revision and rewriting in this specific textual genre seemed to be more effective due to the necessities arising from this enunciation.

Author Biographies

Denise Moreira Gasparotto, Instituto Federal Catarinense

Mestre em Letras pela UEM e professora EBTT no Instituto Federal de Catarinense, campus Videira

Renilson José Menegassi, Universidade Estadual de Maringá

Doutor em Letras pela UNESP – Assis; pós-doutor em Linguística Aplicada pela UNICAMP e professor na Universidade Estadual de Maringá




