Development of thought and school education: stages of concept formation as per Leontiev and Vygotsky
This article focuses on the development of thinking in its connection with language, given the role played by both in the general configuration of the human psyche. Its goal is to point out the relationship between that development and schooling, since between them there is a reciprocal conditionality relationship. Affirming the theoretical-methodological unity between A.N. Leontiev and L.S. Vygotsky’s propositions, the analysis in question bolsters in the historical-cultural perspective of human development as originally formulated by these authors. Throughout this exhibition, and taking the periodization of the development of thinking as an analysis axis, the unique role of education in its promotion, and necessary strengthening of pedagogical theories become evident, such as the historical-critical pedagogy, to advocate the transmission of historically systematized knowledge embodied in scientific concepts, as a primary function of the school.