A proposal for a unified theory of nominal and verbal factors conditioning the differential object marking


  • Heronides Moura Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Florianópolis, Santa Catarina.




My main question is: from a typological point of view, what is the most significant semantic generalization associated with the differential marking of the object (DOM)? My proposal is that DOM is motivated by the presence of highly individuated portions of matter and of time in transitive sentences. It is used here a larger concept of individuated portions, encompassing both the notion of complete events and the individuation of referents. Just as in the domain of matter there are bounded objects, in the domain of time we find bounded events (PINKER, 2008). This larger concept of individuated portions allows a better explanation of DOM. There is no alternative trying to unify the different semantic motivations for the use of DOM. The relation between the semantics of the verbs and the semantics of the nouns remains unknown. My proposal is that these different factors can be unified in a single theory.

Author Biography

Heronides Moura, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Florianópolis, Santa Catarina.

Doutorado Unicamp 1996

Prof. Titular UFSC


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