The doxastic subsystem in romance: a comparative analysis of mood selection


  • Martin Becker Univesity of Colonia



This article seeks to analyze the principles of mood selection in the domain of the doxastic sub-system in Brazilian Portuguese. Especially, this study, which combines the theoretical reflection on doxastic modality with an empirical study based on Davies’ & Ferreira’s Corpus do Português, aims to discuss the semantics of intensional contexts created by belief verbs from a formal perspective within a modal semantic approach. In order to situate the sub-system of Brazilian Portuguese within the pan-romanic panorama, we will establish the differences between Romance languages as regards the principles of verb mood selection in doxastic contexts. We are going to present the specific principles of mood selection in each Romance language in an appropriate formal semantic representation.


Author Biography

Martin Becker, Univesity of Colonia

Professor - University of Colonia


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