Costa Rica Central Valley gastronomic lexicon structuring from an ontological arrangement
This paper describes how terminology and ontologies interact in a coherent and exhaustive manner, and how the neological appearance is obtained from the derivation of the specificity and functionality of a specific corpus. This research shows categories that do not exist either in the Glossary of Costa Rican popular cuisine (SEDÓ MASÍS, 2008), or in the Dictionary of Costarriquenismos (QUESADA PACHECO, 2012). The omission of some of these categories clearly shows that the terms have been historically organized taking into account only the lexical factor, but not the conceptual organization. Therefore, this study intends to play with the "disagreement" between speakers and specialists to show that a reorganization of the terms of an area is possible. For this, a corpus of 596 recipes and 4652 ingredients for ontological representation was compiled. Each ontological class was defined by means of its functionality in the recipes. The ontological architecture is formalized through the postulates of Basic Formal Ontology (SMITH, 2014) and is schematized by means of Protégé. In addition, the terminological theories of Cabré (1999), Fedor de Diego (1995) and Roche (2007, 2009) are used.
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