El Español como lengua de la ciencia: un estudio con base en la Red Scielo





This paper aims to discuss the use of the term “language of science”, placing scientific production in Spanish at the center of the debate in the context of Spanish-speaking countries. We seek to answer three questions that help to problematize the use of the term in question, skewed to English, showing that Spanish can also be considered a language of science. This work is located in the field of Language Policy and Planning in Science and Higher Education (Planejamento linguístico na Ciência e Educação Superior - PPLICES), in dialogue with bibliometric information obtained from the Scielo database, which has proved to be an effective tool, however not totalizing, to assess the production, use and quality of the regional scientific publication. Based on the information presented, we found that the Spanish language dominates scientific production in Spanish-speaking countries and that these, in turn, reproduce asymmetries, showing the formation of “peripheral centers” (BEIGEL, 2016) with a high index of publication.

Author Biography

Alex Sandro Beckhauser, Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana

Professor da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana e Doutor em Linguística pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.


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