"Is there variation or has change?": an analysis of the existential phenomenon in written mode


  • Amanda Henriques Machado Universidade de Insubria
  • Leila Maria Tesch Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo




This research aims to investigate the variation of the existential verbs ter and haver to verify if the variant ter is being used in the written modality and, more specifically, in which textual-discursive genres its use is more frequent. The foundations of Weinreich's Theory of Variation and Linguistic Change were used in this investigation; Labov; Herzog (2006 [1968]) and Labov (2008 [1972]). This study analyzed a corpus of the newspaper A Gazeta, with texts taken from the textual-discursive genres of editorial, chronicle, security news, letter from the reader and social column. The analyzes took place through a quantitative treatment, using the GoldVarb X statistical program (SANKOFF, TAGLIAMONTE, SMITH, 2005). The results demonstrate that the use of existential ter, already established in the spoken language, occurs in very specific contexts and is conditioned by some linguistic factors related to the textual-discursive genre, verbal time and semantic specificity of the internal argument.


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