Semiotic reflections on responsabilities in the Covid-19 pandemic
With the advent of Covid-19, the year 2020 was marked by a series of crises, before which we ask ourselves the question: what is my responsibility in all this? In this context, this article consists on the analysis of some Covid-19 prevention campaigns produced and broadcast in 2020 in Brazil, with the objective of investigating the concept of responsibility present in the texts studied. For the development of the analysis, we take as a starting point the categories of responsibility proposed by the French philosopher Frédéric Gros (2018) and verify their forms of semiotic manifestation, based on the French semiotic theory in its greimasian and tensive approach. Considering the responsible as "he who answers for", our investigation falls on the subject and the spectrum for which it answers. Results indicate that the campaigns present gradations of responsibility, which are directly associated with the vision of social composition.
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