Language policies for the COVID-19 pandemic: a look at the contexts of Angola, Brazil, Mozambique and Timor-Leste


  • Alexandre Cohn da Silveira Doutorando em Linguística - UFSC



This text brings reflections on the official linguistic attitudes of the States of Angola, Brazil, Mozambique and Timor-Leste regarding the dissemination of health information related to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is about perceiving how institutional linguistic policies convey information regarding the human language rights of multicultural and multilingual peoples who inhabit the analyzed territories. From the testimony of native teachers from each of the nations addressed, it is clear that the citizens' mother tongue is not always used in official communications, which, preferably, is spread in Portuguese. Bearing in mind what the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Universal Declaration of Language Rights advocate, it is possible to understand that not providing essential information for survival in a pandemic situation in the mother tongue of individuals is a way of harming the Declarations, denying the right to language and life.

Author Biography

Alexandre Cohn da Silveira, Doutorando em Linguística - UFSC

Professor do Instituto de Humanidades e Letras – UNILAB/BA. Pesquisador em Políticas Linguísticas (Políticas Linguísticas Críticas-UFSC/CNPq) e Líder do GEPILIS (CNPq) (Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas Interdisciplinares em Linguagem e Sociedade


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