Didactic unit for the teaching-learning of the conditional construction with marker si, in degree in Spanish Language Teacher Training Courses And in degree in Portuguese and Spanish Languages Teacher Training Courses


  • Keren Betsabe González Rodríguez UERJ




In this article, we will present the Didactic Unit (hereinafter DU) that proposes to study the use of Conditional Construction with the marker Si, in contemporary Spanish varieties. To elaborate the DU, we adopted the model proposed by Matos (2014a, b) and the teaching-learning and research methodologies experienced in undergraduate and graduate studies. Furthermore, we follow the theoretical-methodological assumptions of cognitive-functional approaches and usage-based constructionist models. The activities were planned by taking into account the need to articulate teaching, research, and extension, in Spanish Language classes, in Degree in Spanish Language Teacher Training Courses, and in Degree in Portuguese and Spanish Languages Teacher Training Courses, offered at Brazilian universities. The UD can be applied to subjects that approach, in a more in-depth way, the morphosyntactic, semantic, pragmatic, and discursive-functional aspects of Spanish. For this reason, students must have advanced knowledge of this language. In this way, too, they will be able to develop academic-scientific literacy in the Spanish language.


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