The Bildungsroman and utopia in the first mode of production of the pedagogical society




Bildungsroman, Total Pedagogies society, Utopia


This paper starts from the Foucauldian principle that pedagogy emerges marked by the problem of the government of children. Still, in competition with a Deleuze-Guattarian concept called anti-production centered on the demands of caring for the self to conclude that pedagogy was not well enough to govern the children. It was necessary to engender a machine capable of handling everyone through extensive schooling practices and the intensive conditions of production control and circulation of subjectivity patterns. Through the readings of Foucault, Bakhtin, Deleuze, and Guattari, the text proposes an analysis-essay of discourse on a topic of broad interest in pedagogy and philosophy of education, which is the transition from the teaching of individuals to the education of society.

Author Biography

Bruno Borges, Federal University of Catalao

Professor da Universidade Federal de Catalão.


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