Game of Homophones: digital game for Portuguese Language Classes


  • Bruna Carolina Alves UFSC
  • Thayza Farias de Queiroz Araújo
  • Silvia Inês Coneglian Carrilho de Vasconcelos UFSC



Writing, Homophones, Interpretability, Game


This paper presents a digital game as a pedagogical support for classroom activities that address the use of homophones in the writing of students in 6th grade classes of Elementary School II at a school in the Santa Catarina state. The theoretical basis was centered on the contributions of Kishimoto (1996) and Pilati (2017, 2020) about working with pedagogical games. This article aims to contribute to the exercise of linguistic analysis and reflection in which students play and at the same time work with hypotheses about the writing. The production of the game was carried out on the WordWall platform and can be accessed by phone or computer. The results of a previous test of the game indicate its plausibility, which should have its effectiveness observed in the continuity of the application in terms of results with the overcoming of the initial difficulties.


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